Monday, November 07, 2011

Kids on Scooter - 36"x48" Painting

I finally finished a painting that's been floating around the studio for a couple years in a nearly done state. It always felt pretty near complete, but I never quite knew what to do with it. Then, the other day, while digging through some shelves, I stumbled across a bunch of charcoal.

Charcoal has always been one of my favorite drawing tools, but I'd never thought to use it on paintings, at least not in a late stage. It turns out it works out quite nice, especially on this door skin surface. The only downside is sealing up the charcoal once done. It still reeks of Aquanet in the studio. At least something good came of the big hair eighties - the best coal sealant (and bike handle bar grip stabilizer) ever.

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